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Cotton Research Station
Junagadh Agricultural University,
Kukada - 363510,
Ta- Muli, Dist- Surendranagar (Gujarat) 

(Year of Establishment: 2011)
Background Information:
Cotton is the most important non food cash crop in Gujarat covering about 26 lakh hectors annually producing about 120 bales of lint, 25 lakh tones of cotton seed and 110 lakh tones of stalks aggregately valued at about 16000 crores of rupees. It is indicative of the important of cotton in the economic crop of this state. Area under cotton crop in Saurashtra region is 16 lakh hectors. Thus, contribution of Saurashtra region in area is around 60 per cent and is the major shared in the production of the state. The Saurashtra region is unique in cotton cultivation, where three species of cotton are cultivated. Therefore, cotton is a vital cash crop of Saurashtra region, and needs proper attention for enhancement of research in cotton. Cotton occupies about 4.5 lakh hectors area in Surendranagar districts. On very conservative estimates, if 5.0 lakh hectors of cotton received irrigation, and additional production of 15-18 lakh bales will accrue and mostly the hybrid will be grown year instead of desi cotton. The produce will be also superior quality. Surendranagar is also identified as centre for cotton research institute by GSBTM. The largest Narmada command area will be covered by Surendranagar district in Gujarat state and the farmers will be benefited through this project.
The district Surendranagar mainly falls in north Saurashtra agro-climatic zone. The district located in India at 22.0° to 23.45° North latitude and 69.45° to 72.15° East longitude. Surendranagar district is bounded in north by Gulf of Kutch and Mehasana district, in the south by Botad and part of Ahmedabad district, on the east by part of Ahmedabad and west by Rajkot and Morbi district. The average annual rainfall is 400 mm. The average temperature of the district ranges with 41°C maximum to 11°C minimum. The soil is mostly medium black, shallow to moderately deep and calcareous in nature, therefore cotton is the major crop of the district. Some patches of saline soil found in Dasada and Lakhtar talukas, calcareous sandy soil found in some part of Chotila, Sayla & Dhangdhra taluka and loamy soil is found in some part of Halvad and Dhangdhra taluka. The pH of the soil is alkaline and underground water is non saline in nature.
For the enhancement of quality lint production, for export purpose and considering the need of textile industries and cultivators, cotton research must be started in Surendranagar district for future demand. Also a slogan was given by our Hon’ble Chief Minister as “Farm to Fabric, Fabric to Fashion, and Fashion to Foreign”. In contest to the above details a cotton research centre need to be established at Kukada (Surendranagar) as full-fledged Genetically Modified Cotton Research Station.
The district covers 10.48 lakh ha geographical area out of which 6.90 lakh ha under cultivation, of which only 0.62 lakh ha is irrigated. Major area comes under rainfed farming. The main sources of irrigation are wells, tube wells, ponds and canals. The major crops of this region are cotton, sesame & pearl millet and others are sorghum, wheat, chick pea, groundnut, mustard, cumin, green gram, black gram, onion, garlic and vegetables. The fruit orchard area is very less.
Land distribution of research station:
1. Total land: 42.05 ha.
2. Cultivated land: 35.00 ha.
3. Road, building, drainage and bunds: 7.05 ha
  • To screen and evale the varieties of high yielding potential, better grain quality and tolerance to different biotic and biotic stress.
  • To develop location specific production technology.
  • To act as testing center for multi-location trails of cotton.
  • Dissemination of agricultural technology to the farmers.
  • Seed production Programme of high yielding varieties and its distribution to the farmers.
  • Screening and maintenance of Germplasm. 
  1. To develop transgenic (Bt) cotton of varieties/hybrids suitable for Surendranagar district.
  2. To develop of varieties/hybrids suitable under climatic change/ global worming condition.
  3. To collect, conserve and evaluation cotton germplasm (accessions).
  4. To develop agro technology for different eco-system.
  5. To develop appropriate quality parameters suitable for textile industries.
  6. To develop methodology for sustainable use of cotton residues/by product.
  7. To conduct farmers’ training on the newer variety/ hybrids and modern agricultural practices.
  8. To develop suitable genotypes for machine picking.
Faculty Profile:
Sr. No.
Specialized Subject
Shri C.K.Dharajiya
Associate Research Scientist (I/c)
Shri R.A. Detroja
Agri. Assistant
Agri. Diploma
Shri S.K. Sonagra
Agri. Assistant
Agri. Diploma
Shri R.M. Patel
Agri. Assistant
Agri. Diploma
Shri R.H.Jadav
Junior Clerk
Junior Clerk
MA B.Ed.
Shri. P.K.Parmar
Farm Labour
Shri H.M.Parmar
Farm Labour
Research Projects and Schemes (On going):
Name of scheme
Budget Head
Type of Scheme
Establishment Of Bt Cotton Research Station In Surendranagar District
Strengthening of Research In Sorghum
Research in Jowar
Non Plan
Research in Dry Farming
Non Plan
Classified Works
Other Agency (Testing of Bt cotton Trial)
Agricultural Demonstration Activities in SSP Command Area Phase-II
Research Activities:
Crop Improvement:
1. Testing of newly development genotypes under various categories of trial such PET, PRT, SSVT, LSVT, MLT and HH hybrid.
2. Seed multiplication different varieties on large scale to cater the need of the farmer and various seed production agencies.
3. To conduct field demonstration trials on the developed technology.
4. To screen and ascertain the performance of promising strains of cotton.
Resource Management:
1. To find out suitable cotton based intercropping system under rain fed condition.
2. To workout the nutrient requirement of dry farming crops on cropping system basis.
3. To study the effect of nutrient management practices on post harvest soil fertility.
Recommendations/ Achievements: -

Associate Research Scientist (Cotton)
Cotton Research Station,
Junagadh Agricultural University,
Kukada - 363510,
Ta: Muli, District: Surendranagar
Phone: (O) +91- 02756 - 291891
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


જૂનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી દ્વારા તા. ૦૩/૦૩/૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ ગુજરાત રાજ્ય આંતર કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી પોલિટેકનીક સ્પર્ધાઓ ૨૦૨૪-૨૫ નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવેલ.
જુનાગઢ કૃષિ યુનિવર્સિટી હસ્તકના કૃષિ વિજ્ઞાન કેન્દ્ર, અમરેલી દ્વારા ૨૮ મી ફેબ્રુઆરી ૨૦૨૫ ના રોજ કૃષિ મેળો -૨૦૨૫ “આધુનિક ખેતી પદ્ધતિનું પ્રદર્શન” નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું.
સરદાર સ્મૃતિ કેન્દ્ર, જુનાગઢ રજત જયંતી એવોર્ડ યોજનામાં ભાગ લેવા માટેનું ઉમેદવારી પત્રક - “ખેતી પાકોમાં કાપણી પછીની માવજત અને મૂલ્યવર્ધન” વર્ષ: ૨૦૨૪-૨૫
JAU has been rated 5-Star by the Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF).
The India Today Rankings-2024 recently announced. Junagadh Agricultural University, the only Government University from Gujarat ranked 31st at National level.
College of Agril. Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level, In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey-2024.
JAU has been awarded 7th rank among all the State Agricultural Universities of India and 2nd rank in State by Educationworld, India Higher Education Ranking 2023-24.
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, JAU, Junagadh improved its ranking at National Level. In National Ranking of CSR-GHRDC Engineering Colleges Survey 2022.
In Gujarat State Institutional Rating Framework (GSIRF) 2021-22 Junagadh Agricultural University got 5th position
