


Visitors Counter


JAU exchanges  ideas and knowledge  with faculties of University of Venda (SA) as part of MoU. As a further step towards interactions , Prof Mchau, Dean, School of Agriculture, University of Venda (South Africa) visited JAU on September 26, 2013. He  gave presentation  on education, research and extension activities of University of Venda. Dr NC Patel, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor honoured the guest of JAU and ensure to provide cooperation in various bilateral programmes for development. Dr Mchau expressed astonishment on multi facet development of JAU and also deep sense of gratitude for hospitality . He informed that  more scientists will visit JAU in future. During meet with the University officers, Deans  and Professors of JAU, Prof Mchau highlighted the usefulness  of  MoU and  keen interest and follow up actions  of Dr NC Patel, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor. He expressed desire to initiate the exchange programme for students and faculties.
