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50 participants successfully completed Training for 5 days on “ BRACKISH-WATER SHRIMP FARMING MANAGEMENT” at Fisheries Research & Training Centre, J.A.U., MAHUVA.

     This was the 8th training on "BRACKISH-WATER SHRIMP FARMING MANAGEMENT” from 27th February to 3rd March 2017 organized by Fisheries Research & Training Centre, J.A.U., Mahuva.
     In this training program 50 participant came from various part of our Saurashtra (Gujarat state). the valedictory function of training was organised on 3rd March 2017, in the presence of Dr. P. K. Kapadia (Research Scientist) Agri. REsearch Station (FC), JAU., Mahuva and In-charge of this Fisheries Centre Prof. A.S. Kotiya (Asstt. Research Scientist), FRTC, JAU., Mahuva.
    The participant presented their feedback and said that this training would be beneficial for venturing into shrimp farming business, and this was unique shrimp training program were we got lot of scientific fisheries  know-how to be taken care off during shrimp farming.
    The participant were awarded with certificate by dignitaries, The whole training program was co-ordinated by Prof. A,S, Kotiya (ARS) FRTC, JAU., Mahuva.
