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In 10th Five Year Plan, resolution for one agriculture college in Amreli district under Junagadh Agricultural University was passed by Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar in the year 2012. The 33 hectares land has been allotted in the village Mota Bhandariya. In early stage, the college was started at Polytechnic in Home Science building, Amreli. The college has now been shifted to newly built complex at Mota Bhandariya from 14th February, 2017. Recently our college received accreditation from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

Initially, the intake capacity of the students was 30 students which increased to 51 then to 70, followed by 77 and current intake capicity is 87 for the undergraduate course. Also students from diploma in agriculture are admitted to the third semester for degree (D to D) studies. New courses according to 6th Dean Committee of ICAR have been implemented from the year 2024-25. Our college has got the accreditation from ICAR in the year 2022.  At present, 318 students (till date) are studying. The eighth batch of our college has recently passed in the year 2024 with outstanding performance as 06 got first class with distinction marks 42 students secured first class whereas 17 students secured second class out of total 65 students.
Mandate and Objectives :

The prime mandate of College of Agriculture, Mota Bhandariya is to impart education in the applied field of Agricultural Sciences coupled with research and extension activities. The main aims of the college are as under:

  • To conduct undergraduate courses leading to the Bachelor’s degree in agriculture
  • To undertake the research and extension activities for the benefit of students and farmers.
Facilities :
  • College building comprising of three lecture halls, a smart room and well furnished auditorium hall
  • Laboratories- 10 (Plant Pathology, Soil Chemistry, Horticulture, Genetics and Plant Breeding (Biotechnology, Seed Science & Technology, Plant Physiology), Biochemistry, Agronomy, Entomology, Agri. Extension, Agri. Engineering, Computer lab equipped with internet facility)
  • Library comprising of more than 2040 books with a subscription of eight magazines having a sitting capacity of 50 students
  • Educational Museum with latest information
  • Boys’ (Kalapi) and Girls’ (Saraswati) hostel having intake capacity of 150 students each with all the necessary facilities including WiFi.
  • Sports ground and a gymnasium
  • Conference room and Auditorium having sitting capacity of 120.
  • Crop cafeteria of Agricultural and Horticultural crops.