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   Agri-Business is the latest growing sub-sector of India having business potential over Rs. 11,43,000 crores. Still Indian agriculture faces numerous challenges like, stability in productivity, huge post harvest losses and marginal share in world trade. Today world is rapidly changing with business environment and management technology due to globalization. As a result, Agri-Business is transforming structurally into a complex and well disciplined business. In this competitive and rapidly changing world, every resource, enterprise, organization and every project must be managed professionally in order to survive and prosper. These challenges will place unparalleled demands for the capabilities of tomorrow's managers.
   Looking to these, Government of Gujarat sanctioned Post-Graduate Institute of Agri-Business Management as plan schedule under 11th Five Year Plan in 2008. It offers students a unique opportunity to study business at Gujarat State through the institute and the application of business principles to real-world issues and opportunities within the agricultural industries. Besides of it PGIABM aim on to participate in and contribute to the formulation of public policy, to collaborate with other institutions in the state and the country to further the objectives, to organize seminar/conferences/discussions at the national and international level to further the cause of Agribusiness.
1. We have full-time faculties, each with multidisciplinary roots. They bring disciplinary insights and fresh perspectives to the classroom.
2. The PGIABM has an ultra-modern building constructed in the campus of Junagadh Agricultural University. All the class rooms are well furnished with modern furniture, equipment and audio-visual aids as per the  requirement of a modern management institute.
3. The PGIABM has an air conditioned computer laboratory equipped with the latest i3 computer systems. Internet facility for the students and staff is available in all the systems at the institute. Wi-Fi facility also available for visitors 24X7 on request.
4. The PGIABM has a comprehensive collection of literate on agribusiness management and related fields comprising books, journals, periodicals, project reports and newspapers.
5. The air conditioned conference and seminar hall can accommodate around 80 persons and is equipped with latest facilities for interaction with the experts on important issues. The institute also has adequate facility for conducting seminars under air conditioned environment.
6. The PGIABM has adequate hostel facility in Chanakya Hostel, having double seated rooms for boys. Indoor games and gym are available in hostel. Quality food is provided to the students through the hostel mess, managed by the students themselves. Students should have their own computer/laptop for their use in hostel.
7. Girls are accommodated in the central girls’ hostel of Junagadh Agricultural University. Internet facility through Wi-Fi available in this hostel for girls without any additional charges.